Clinic Address: Unit 3, 36-42 Auburn St, Wollongong NSW | Monday to Friday by Appointment Only
Clinic Address: Unit 3, 36-42 Auburn St, Wollongong NSW | Monday to Friday by Appointment Only
Ladies, you know those days when your mood tanks, your irritability skyrockets and your craving for chocolate is so intense that you'd consider selling a kid to buy more?
No? Lucky you!
Yes, then read on...
For some women, their PMS gets so severe that it begins to have a significant impact on their mental health.
A little known disorder called Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder may be to blame. PMDD is a cyclical hormone-based mental health disorder that creates intense mood swings, sleep problems, cognitive fog and even suicidal ideation.
If affects 2-10% of women of reproductive age and is an adverse reaction to the hormonal changes that occur within menstrual cycles.
Want to know more?
Check out these websites for more info:
About Our Resources
We offer actionable resources and teach real skills to help people make meaningful change in managing mental health issues through different modes depending on people's learning preferences including infographics, text, worksheets, handouts and video.
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We offer actionable resources and teach real skills to help people make meaningful changes in managing mental health issues. View resources here.
We hope you enjoy reading this blog post.
We offer actionable resources and teach real skills to help people make meaningful change in managing mental health issues.
It is our aim to offer actionable resources and teach real skills to help people make meaningful change in managing mental health issues, especially for those who can’t access other help.